(ФОТО) Беше порно глумица за која зборуваше цела планета, сега живее сосема различен живот, има 14 деца!

Во 2009 година таа беше главна тема на сите светски медиуми. Наџа Сулеман беше порно глумица и стриптизерка која веќе имала 6 деца кога родила уште 8. Нејзиниот живот со месеци беше актуелен во јавноста, а потоа еуфоријата се намали. Еве како изгледа денес.

Фотографијата од трудничкото стомаче на Наџа Сулеман после успешното "ин витро" оплодување во 2009 го обиколи светот. Преку ноќ станала славна и медиумите се натпреваруваа кој прв ќе објави вест за неа и приновата. Во такви околности не било лесно да се израснат осум бебиња и шест деца. 


Life After IVF: Octomom 7 Years Later "My children were not a mistake - they were meant to be here." #NadyaSuleman shocked the world when she gave birth to eight babies at once. Suleman had been married, but she and her husband were separated. Later, her ex-husband admitted their relationship failed because of the couple's inability to have children—he didn't want to try in vitro fertilization (IVF). After their separation, Suleman proceeded with IVF treatments, which resulted in six children before 2008. That's when she became pregnant with eight more children. Such an incredible pregnancy and birth made headlines around the world. People were absolutely fascinated by the fact that one woman could carry so many children at once. IVF, or in vitro fertilization, is a form of "assisted reproductive technology," which is a medical procedure that helps a couple who can't get pregnant via natural means of conception. As with artificial insemination, the sperm and egg are brought together with the assistance of a physician, but IVF takes place outside of the woman's body to begin with. When a woman undergoes IVF, her eggs are removed, and the healthiest or most viable ones are inseminated in a laboratory dish. Once an egg is fertilized and the cells are dividing properly, the embryo is transferred to the woman's uterus and the pregnancy proceeds naturally from there. It is common for IVF to result in multiple babies. IVF doesn't always take the first time, and it's an extremely expensive, time-consuming, and exhausting procedure involving a lot of medical tests, hormone injections, and other challenges. Chrissy Teigen discusses how challenging it was to balance the injections Read more on biolink .. #Instagood #instagoods #instagram #insta #instagr #blessings #thankfulness #abundance #universe #octomom #octomomchallenge

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"Си го уништив животот и себе и на децата! За што размислував?", изјави Наџа за американската телевизија "Fox" во двочасовното интервју кое беше прикажано неколку месеци после породувањето.

Многу набрзо беше откриено дека таа живее од социјална помош и дека јавноста остро ја осудуваат. Се појавуваше во сите печатени медиуми, па дури и во телевизиската емисија на Опра.

Денес Натали е горда и самохрана мајка на 14 здрави деца иако долго време едвај "врзувала крај со крај", а едно време дури повторно работела како стриптизерка, но тој период за среќа кратко траел.


Dear Amerah, One of the most important lessons I try to teach you all is that every person that crosses your path is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind, compassionate, and patient with people always; and aware that sometimes the brighter the smile the deeper the suffering. By looking at your beautiful smile no one could imagine the struggle you face, that we all face, daily. We are going through challenges for reasons God only knows, yet those challenges are meant to forge, shape, and strengthen our character. We have to be patient, continue to pray, and never stop working relentlessly and consistently at achieving our goals. I love you more than words could express and will never give up fighting for a better life for us all. You are by far, the strongest, most capable, compassionate, and loving young woman I have ever known and am honored you are my daughter. I know God has huge plans for us all; we just have to accept the process of our journey, even through the pain. I will love you unconditionally no matter what you do, what you say, or who you are. Never give up fighting this fight with me Amerah, as we will win in the end. I am sorry I couldn't give you the birthday you hoped for this year. Next year will be a new beginning for all of us. I love you so so much my angel, happy birthday. ❤️ June 30, 2002

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Судејќи по фотографиите кои редовно ги објавува на Инстаграм, таквите времиња се останати во минатото.


Wanted to share a core workout I cannot live without. My goal of working out is not to attain the "perfect" abs, back, glutes etc. (as if that is even possible lol)...it is for survival. Not only does this rope pulling exercise significantly strengthen the core (I pull 110 lbs), it strengthens the muscles surrounding the spine, which is imperative to my mobility. Subsequent to my last pregnancy (8 babies at once can do this to you 😂), the 5 discs in my lumbar spine became herniated, 3 of which completely ruptured, causing incessant pain, sciatica, and peripheral neuropathy. In addition, several of the babies broke my ribs and I experience excruciating pain from scar tissue to this day 😖. I was told by my orthopedic doctor (who does not understand how I can walk), that the severity of my back condition would require massive surgery, which I am opposed to. I am also against medication to "manage" pain, and since becoming a raw vegan and ingesting natural supplements like turmeric, pain has subsided by over 50%. I apologize for sharing such a long, boring video (without music which I have no clue how to add lol), but thought it may help encourage some of you experiencing similar back disabilities. Most importantly, this specific core exercise reduces pain and pressure on the lower back. I do 4 sets of 25 reps. Video credits to Daughter and workout partner Amerah. 💪🏼 #StrengthTraining #CoreWorkout #StrengtheningBodyAndMind #FitMom

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"Од очај и сиромаштија, за да преживеам и да го хранам семејството, се жртвував и усрамено го прифатив новиот и непосакуван идентитет "Октомама". Во март 2013 година ставив точка на тоа. Заедно со семејството го напуштивме местото кое штетно влијаеше врз нас, пред да ме убијат и да ги уништат животите на моите деца. Се вратив кај моите корени, личноста која бев пред да бидам мајка на осум деца. Се вработив како терапевтка и учам за мастер", рекла таа.

