ФОТО: Еве како денес изгледа славната фитнес-мајка на три сина

Сигурно сите се сеќавате на фитнес-мајката Марија Канг која во 2013 година беше тема број еден во светските медиуми поради фотографиите кои ги објавуваше на социјалните мрежи и ги критикуваше мајките кои не се занимаваат со физичка активност.

Имено, Марија на фотографијата на која позира со своите три деца, гордо покажувајќи го своето затегнато тело, ги прашала сите жени кои не вежбаат: "Кој е вашиот изговор?". 


Years ago I admitted ONE OF MY GREATEST FEARS WAS BECOMING A MOTHER. I was nervous I wouldn’t have a balanced work/home life. I was worried I would not be able to keep up with single colleagues. I was fearful my body would forever change and I’d come to a point – that I wouldn’t care about my health anymore. I’m thankful for the early years of social media because when I finally did get pregnant in 2008, I already witnessed people from afar, have healthy pregnancies and fit bodies afterwards. I saw women who were mothers and successful CEOs. I watched women have unconventional marriages with very supportive husbands. Seeing others succeed, helped me believe that I too, could succeed. It’s been admittedly hard these last several years, after all, I do compare myself to people who have all the time to focus on their careers, travel and enjoy romantic holidays with their spouses. I do feel like my extra fat cells during pregnancy want to inflate again every holiday season. I do experience mom guilt when I travel for work or when I yell out of stress, fatigue or annoyance. But that’s ok. Despite my criticisms of being a publicly ‘fit mom’ – I hope living my life out loud helps other women force out their fears and desire their deepest dreams. I am thankful for all the women, in the No Excuse Mom Community and throughout the decades, who have lived their lives out loud. Thankful for the people who showed that you can find balance, time and energy. You can be a fit mom, a working woman and a devoted wife. You can stand tall without making others feel short. When you stand, we stand. If you can, WE CAN. Our 2019 12-Week Accountability Calendar is dedicated to all the Fit Moms Throughout The Decades. It comes with 12 weeks of inspiration, motivational quotes and weekly workouts. You can grab yours on our site or in my bio link. #noexcusemom Image by @mikebyerlyphoto taken in 2012

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Многумина ја осудиле ваквата објава бидејќи Канг на овој начин уште повеќе извршила притисок на новопечените мајки дeка мора да изгледаат совршено. Сепак, денес таа не крие дека нејзиното тело се променило по раѓањето на трите синови и им порачува на своите следбеници дека таа е и понатаму истата жена која тие започнале да ја следат пред многу години, само со мали промени.

"Доколку се прашувате дали оваа жена со вишок кожа и стрии е вистинската Марија Канг која сте започнале да ја следите пред многу години, не грижете се, тоа сум јас", се пошегувала таа во една објава.


This is ((almost)) the same expression I had when I was 'verified' on Instagram yesterday. I noticed the little blue check mark while typing in comments, lol. I inquired about getting verified a month ago and was told by several sources that it would cost $2500. Now, if you've been following me for a longtime you know that I'm frugal. I also don't pay a lot into my social media. So I did my research, went the normal route and simply requested verification and supplied my ID. and Voila! ✨ The day I wrote a post about not seeking validation online, is the same day I get validated. LOL. I am sharing this funny story for a few reasons. 1) In case you were nervous that this woman with excess skin and stretchmarks is the original "Maria Kang" you started following years ago, have no fear - I am HERE and yes, this is me. 2) God works in mysterious ways. 3) Don't take life too seriously. My beauty will fade. My fitness level will decline. Social media is not the end all, be all. But, while we ARE here, thanks for following. BTW - I will be going LIVE tomorrow on FB at 1pm PST talking ALL ABOUT KETO with my girl @sassfitness. Hope to see you then! #verified #noexcusemom #bodypositivity . . Image by @brittenphoto #oahuphotographer

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Таа и понатаму вежба и ја одржува фит линијата, но не крие дека некои нешта се промениле по децата. Канг вежба 5 до 6 пати неделно, но не се оптоварува како претходно - најважно ѝ е тоа што се чувствува добро во сопственото тело.


Damn. I stared confused, annoyed and speechless while staring at my #DexaScan results, a machine that calculates bone density, muscle mass and body fat.  In the past, I measured my body composition via skin calipers and hydrostatic underwater weighing. In both tests, I always measured between 22-24% body fat, an athletic range for a female. However, in this most recent weigh-in I clocked in at 28% body fat – a percentage that is considered normal or average. I really shouldn’t be disappointed with my results, but I was. I train intensely 5-6 times a week. As someone who has struggled with disordered eating, I can proudly attest I rarely over splurge – and if I do, I don’t go at it for multiple days as I have done in the past. Outside of my years struggling with binge eating and being pregnant for three years, my set point weight and clothing size hasn’t changed much since college. I am for the most part, comfortable in my body. I enjoy chocolate daily, wine weekly and have a consistent 28-day menstrual cycle. I am healthy. I felt, however, that with the physical effort I put in daily, I would measure leaner when testing my body composition. I thought the early morning hours exercising, the muscle definition in my back and abs or the countless times I ordered salad at restaurants would equate to a more athletic result. Alas, I sat, stunned – feeling the duality of not working hard enough, but also knowing I work damn hard. I remember years ago defending myself as a ‘fit mom’ to online critics, especially those who claimed I had superior genetics. At the time I explained I was a normal person, of a healthy weight, who gained the recommended pounds while pregnant and slowly lost it within 9mths after giving birth. Since most people are overweight/obese, the average body fat for most women is 35%+ and seeing (at the time), a non-celebrity achieve a healthy body post-multiple-babies-so-close-together was not ‘normal’. What people didn’t see was how much being healthy wasn’t natural for me. I always had to work harder than the people around me to maintain a healthy body. I didn’t grow up with sports and my body type appeared closely...⬇️⬇️⬇️

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I remember seeing this image and filing it because my stance made my waist looked wider than usual. It took me back to a time when I flew on a plane to Manila, Philippines to compete in a national pageant representing the Filipina community of the U.S. and I was immediately weighed and measured in a bikini. I used to lie about my height (barely 5’4) and do everything that enhanced my measurements. I taped my breasts together for cleavage and added 3 inches of padding to my bra. I wore 5 inch heels to make my legs appear longer and shaded my nose so it appeared more “Caucasian” (this was before contouring became popular.) Everything about that experience told me I wasn’t thin enough, tall enough, or even “white enough”...and therefore needed to change. . . As I scrolled past this pic in my image gallery I forgot why I didn’t share this image! I thought, I’ve shared stretch marks, excess skin, tummy rolls - why am I thrown back by this? Truth is while I’m confident, I’m also slightly insecure. I still strive for that girl in magazines. I still want to “look the part” of a “fitness person you want to follow on social media”. I AM hard on myself. As much as I wish I wasn’t and wish YOU weren’t - we all are, even at our best. . . I still struggle with what I’ve conditioned to believe is beautiful and I’m so thankful for the diversity I see today. Seeing others embrace themselves helps me embrace myself. Everyone has insecurities and I mean EVERYONE. Including the people who post the sexiest selfies or scream “I’m confident!” all the time online. I get you. I am like you. #embraceyourbeauty #noexcusemom . . Dress by @topglamboutique_ Photo by @truelovephotos

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Пет видови алкохол што ја уништуваат кожата

Покрај тоа што алкохолот им штети на тежината на организмот и на здравјето, тој не е без последици и за изгледот на кожата.

Употребата на алкохол во мали дози може да има некои придобивки за телото, но оди рака под рака со десетици негативни последици, а меѓу нив, најлошо делува врз кожата.

Петте видови алкохол со негативни последици по кожата на луѓето:

Пиво – го прави лицето подуено поради содржината на шеќер и сол.

Бело вино – многу истражувања тврдат дека по една чаша вино навечер е корисна за срцето, но неодамнешна студија на Универзитет Браун откри дека дури и мала количина вино ја зголемува шансата за црвенило на одредени места поради заситеноста на крвните клетки на површината на кожата.

Црвено вино – природниот шеќер исто така придонесува за зголемено црвенило.

Рум и виски – предизвикуваат акни и водат до предвремено стареење на кожата.

Коктели – Ова е можеби најлошата опција. Тие содржат различни видови алкохол, многу шеќери и конзерванси кои се „катастрофални“ за кожата.

Spectra NAIL BAR го проширува тимот!

Spectra NAIL BAR го проширува тимот!

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Маска од калинка за посветла и помека кожа

Калинката содржи огромна количина на витамини и минерали: А, Б1, Б2, Б4, Б5, Б6, Б9, Ц, Е, Х, К, калиум, силициум, калциум, магнезиум, натриум, сулфур, фосфор, хлор, железо, јод, селен, флуор, хром, цинк, омега-6 и бета-каротен.

Ете зошто маската за лице од калинка е одличен избор за вашата кожа. Добро изгмечете лажица семки од калинка, па измешајте со лажица мед и три лажици маслиново масло. Кога ќе ги измешате сите состојки, додадете 50 мл вода за да се разреди смесата.

Нанесете на чисто лице и оставете да стои околу еден час. Исто така, пожелно е да се втрие во кожата на лицето, вратот и деколтето со нежни движења. Измијте со млака вода.
