(Фото) Заминав во теретана и почнав да вежбам! Веднаш ми кажаа да заминам поради…

Џулија Марен од Тенеси заминала во теретана во опрема во која мислела дека нема ништо посебно. Таа почнала да вежба, а потоа дошол еден од вработените во теретаната.

„Денес во теретана ми кажаа да облечам маичка или да заминам. Ми дојдоа додека вежбав, ми кажаа да ги симнам слушаките и ми кажаа дека може да ми дадат маичка ако немам своја. Морав да ја облечам ако сакам да продолжам со тренингот. Молам? Поради малку повеќе што ми се гледа од интимните делови не сум добредојдена во теретана, но затоа мажите може да вежбаат без маичка или во тенки маички низ кои им се гледаат брадавиците?!“, напиша девојката.


Did you know that 65% of women actually try to avoid the gym over fear of being judged? Fitness Magazine conducted this study and in comparison, only 36% of men felt this way. Do you realize what this statistic suggests? That women are automatically more cautious about what they wear to the gym to avoid criticisms and negative comments. . . Today I was told I’d have to leave the gym if I didn’t put a shirt on with no explanation. My workout was interrupted and I was told to take out my headphones for someone to tell me they could “get me a shirt if I need one” and that if I wanted to continue my workout I had to put one on.... WHAT?! So you’re telling me that because three inches of my waist is exposed that I’m not welcome in the gym but meanwhile fucking Chad is over there with a cutout that shows his whole nipple? Got it. Thank you for taking time out of your day to let me know that double standards and sexism still exists. . . If the problem is that I will be a distraction, why isn’t the accountability on the one who is distracted? This is a deep rooted issue because I could EASILY talk about middle school uniform policies, prom dress codes, and evidently gym attire. When will we stop policing women’s bodies and HOLD THE OTHER’S ACCOUNTABLE FOR SEXUALIZING THEM. And WHEN will we start ALLOWING women to feel comfortable enough in the gym to wear whatever the fuck is comfortable to them in an otherwise already uncomfortable environment?! . . All I’m saying is that I’m showing up in a bro tank with my nipple out next time ✌🏻 . . Edit:: this did not happen anywhere in Spring Hill, TN! It was a neighboring city that I will not be visiting again anytime soon 🙃

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